Civ4 AI Survivor Season 8: Game Six Writeup

This summary for Game Six was written by TheOneAndOnlyAtesh with some assistance from Eauxps I. Fourgott and Nausicaa. Many thanks for volunteering to put this report together!

Game Six featured a group of leaders who you would never, ever, ever, EVER leave alone in a room. Ever. Even the most hardened of eyes could never bear to see the aftermath. In the East was a completely atypical Financial "bloc". Although much has been said about how Financial/Alive is the best trait pairing in the game, such proclamations fail to take into account some important considerations. Here is a more nuanced trait ranking for AI Survivor purposes:

1: Financial/Imperialistic/Not Vicky
2: Financial/Creative
8: Financial/Aggressive/Not Ragnar
11: Financial/Alive
100: Protective/Alive
500: No traits
1000: Financial/Dead
9998: Financial/Vicky
9999: Financial/Ragnar

As it turned out, this game featured the two worst trait pairings in Civ 4 for AI Survivor purposes: Financial/Vicky and Financial/Ragnar. The latter's insane ultra-Military focus had prevented him from netting any semblance of AI Survivor success, whilst the former, save for her Season Six Opening Round game where she peacefully expanded to 19 cities, had generally been an inert leader. In this game, they both actually had decent prospects, with Fishing starts that paired well with being Financial and their starting techs, but as peaceweight opposites engaged in a staring contest from Turn 0, they could easily ruin each other's games.

Fortunately for Vicky, she had a friendly high peaceweight neighbor to her West: Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His track record was even less remarkable than the English Queen's, and one could say that he was the definitional "Second To Die" pick. Vicky sorely needed FDR's presence, as he was the one man standing between her and the two psychos in the Central region. One of them was Napoleon, who is only a little less insane than Ragnar, and the other was the Pool One leader, Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili. Of course, we are all familiar with Comrade Stalin, due to his smashmolishing of his opposition on the way to the Season Three title. At first, he seemed to have backed up his showing with an impressive Season Four Championship Game appearance, but since then it is evident that he had purged his greatest advisors and generals, having scored as many points as Hatshepsut from Season Five and on. Nevertheless, this was a good opportunity for a Soviet revival, as he had Copper in his capital as well as plenty of juicy copperless targets to split with Napoleon.

The West was a great hunting ground for the Central leaders. The Portuguese leader Joao, a beacon of sheer mediocrity, occupied the Southwest region, while the Pool Two Leader Gandhi was in the Northwest. Gandhi, despite being the most peaceful leader in the game, was fresh off an extremely strange Season Seven performance in which he threw away a likely win by backstabbing his religious ally.

There was no clear consensus on how this game would go. Stalin got around 40% of the votes for winner, as he had good and plentiful land and lots of targets to kill, but there were arguments for many of the other leaders. Joao had a more neutral peaceweight for relative safety from the warmongers alongside plenty of expansion room, Gandhi was a ticking time bomb to win in every game he was in, Napoleon had Copper and two copper-less targets to run over (FDR and Gandhi), and one of Vicky and Ragnar could snowball off the other's demise. Runner Up was also a major tossup, with the only consensus that FDR was likely doomed while Gandhi was either boom or bust. First To Die was expected to depend on which of those two would get dogpiled by the low peaceweights first. Overall, this felt like a game where either only the Nice Guys (and Gal) or the Douchebags would make it out in one piece.

The key questions that would determine the outcome of the game:

1) How quickly would Napoleon and Stalin hook up Copper, and would they be able to take out Team Good in time before someone like Gandhi or Joao gets too far ahead?
2) Unlike the other warmongers, Ragnar has a slower start and wouldn't have metals until Iron. This may actually be a good thing, both for him and for the rest of Team Evil. Would he actually be a helpful member of the low peaceweight club, or would his shenanigans drag everyone down with him?
3) Gandhi was definitely going to found Hinduism; who would found the other religions? The high peaceweights could ill afford any religious divisions.

Well, an answer to that last question was coming soon. Vicky and Joao immediately embarked on a race to found the rival Meditation religion to Gandhi's Hinduism. This was important for Gandhi, who was likely doomed if his Southern neighbor Joao became a religious enemy with Stalin and Nappy already breathing down his neck. Unfortunately for India, Joao was winning the race by a significant margin, as Vicky was prioritizing production in order to get her Workboat out faster. He was not helping his case by settling his Holy City on the North coast, wasting any land grabbing potential from Holy City culture (in general the 2nd city spots would be quite questionable in this game). However, Vicky had a gold resource in London, and she used it to leap ahead and found Christianity. Gandhi must have sighed in relief.

Regarding the opening tech choices, the score was 1:0 in favor of the good guys and gal. Regarding the big baddies, Stalin and Ragnar first opted for the Archery poison pill. Their bone-headedness would not end there: Ragnar researched SAILING next, even though he had a Corn in his capital that he needed to farm. Unique Buildings - the Viking Trading Posts replace Lighthouses - can sometimes be a double-edged sword. Stalin, meanwhile, was determined to live up to his Man Of Steel nickname: he researched BRONZE WORKING next. For a human, Bronze Working is a power tech due to forest chopping and the Slavery civic, but the AI do not use these features particularly well, making Bronze Working not nearly as valuable as techs that emphasize culture or food.

However, this did mean that we might end up witnessing an extremely early war, due to Stalin's capital Copper resource. Indeed, he had already assembled a strong force of Axes and Spears by Turn 30. Although Stalin was not yet replying "We have enough on our hands" to war inquiries (a tell-tale sign that a leader was plotting war), something that I would learn after the game was that the AI was programmed to enter a sort of pre-preparation mode for war, called "dagger", in which they build an army trying to decide who to attack, and Stalin was likely in dagger mode. This meant that Stalin was not going to prioritize peaceful expansion. He was already going all-in, and no matter who he attacked, it HAD to succeed or his game was most likely ruined. (Side note: This may have been what happened to Stalin's fellow comrade Chairman Mao in Game One, when he built a massive early-Iron Working based army but ended up uncharacteristically torpedoing his game by doing nothing with it).

Napoleon was having the best start of the Big Baddies. He had developed his capital well, was expanding decently, and made smart research choices, including not doing his usual "no culture till T100" gambit. He even built Stonehenge, a wonder he needed in order to fight back against long-term Indian culture. Both he and Stalin were well positioned to run over the map together.

The Northern leaders (Gandhi, Nappy, FDR, and Vicky) had definitely outperformed the Southern leaders (Joao, Stalin, Ragnar) in the first 50 Turns. To be frank, they had just expanded and researched better. Of particular interest was FDR and Vicky, who were having the best starts of all the leaders. It was unclear who was Batman/Batwoman and who was Robin, since although FDR had more and better cities, the latter was the Financial leader with the religion. I would say that FDR seemed to have better long-term prospects, as he had a compact empire, while Vicky's seemed like it would be difficult to defend if, say, Stalin and Ragnar were to tag-team her. He had also secured relative safety from the warmongers with an early research of Iron Working. No matter what, these two were forming a duo that had the potential to stand strong against the bad guys.

In any case, nobody was truly out of this game yet. While the North was already filling up pretty quickly, Joao and Ragnar had plenty of expansion room in the South. Stalin was already plotting war, with an army forming near a weak Portuguese flatland city. Although it would have been a safer move to instead gun for the barbarian cities that had formed south of Russia, Joao had not yet hooked up metals, and Stalin could easily run away with the game if he were to conquer Portugal quickly enough. It remained to be seen whether his early military foray was a genius move or a disastrously over-aggressive faceplant.

At the shockingly early Turn 52, Stalin sicced his forces onto... FRAAAAANCE?!? In all seriousness, although it seemed unexpected at the time, it was not entirely unreasonable in retrospect. There was evidence that Stalin had high-rolled on his peaceweight, as he was Pleased with Joao at +1, which meant that he was actually more likely to have attacked Napoleon, who he was still Cautious with. With that said, this was still an absolutely idiotic move from Stalin. Literally any one of the peaceniks would have been better. Joao was a sitting duck, Gandhi was still vulnerable, Vicky was settling provocatively... yet he chose Napoleon, who had metals AND Stonehenge-boosted cultural defenses. No take backs though! Stalin made his bed, and he had to succeed, especially since the white English borders were already visible from Moscow. For reference, while Russia was in the South Central region, London was in the NORTHEAST. Stalin's eschewing of peaceful expansion in favor of violence left him in danger of going irrelevant, no matter how his wars went.

Napoleon, always used to being the hunter rather than the hunted, was definitely caught off guard. Despite Stalin meandering around with his stack near the French city of Lyons, the city fell in ten turns due to Napoleon's poor defense. The French emperor's once decent winning chances had evaporated in an instant. Stalin was exceedingly lucky that for whatever reason, Napoleon Bonaparte had forgotten how to fight, and was uncharacteristically building wonders and focusing more on culture and religion. In fact, he ended up founding the Monotheism religion of Taoism in Orleans, which just happened to be next on Stalin's hitlist. Napoleon then committed a snafu worse than his real life 1812 invasion of Russia: he sent most of his Orleans defenders to retake Lyons, only to see them wiped out. This left a paltry defense of one Archer and a Taoist Missionary in Orleans, enabling Stalin to seize the just-built Taoist Shrine for himself and then peace out immediately. It is tough to say if Stalin truly won this war. He did get two nice cities from the war, but at what cost? He could have gotten so much more by just building a few Settlers or sending his army to the nearby barbarian cities. Orleans was also a Trojan Horse for the Soviets, as it almost certainly meant that Stalin would convert to Taoism, leaving him further isolated from a diplomatic perspective in this Christian world.

The biggest winners of the Russo-French War: mostly everyone else! Gandhi had seven cities and counting, and the conflict nearby had been so mutually destructive that his position had become far safer than before. Although he had done a poor job spreading Hinduism, his peaceweight alignment was still on the right side for the way the winds were blowing. FDR and Vicky, left unbothered, had also developed strong empires, and they would soon begin to establish southern colonies in lands that should have been Russian a long time ago. The only concern for the English speaking leaders was that they both had immense mainland border tensions that was preventing them from reaching Friendly, and they could both plot at Pleased. A conflict between the two would completely open up the game.

Ragnar had also recovered from his poor start, as he was laying the foundation for a strong Southeastern coastal empire. He still had plenty of space for cities, and the land was quite good considering that it was mainly tundra. He had inexplicably become a beacon of hope for the low peaceweights. Only Joao was sputtering, as for some reason, he had stopped expanding after his fifth city in order to plot war. Peace ensued, but it was not going to be for long. Alongside Joao, FDR, who had run out of expansion room in his mainland, was also plotting. This was his golden opportunity to establish himself as the dominant leader in this game, as he had a crippled Napoleon, an overstretched Vicky, or an exhausted Stalin to attack. Speaking of the devil, Stalin should have tried to recover from his French war, but instead, he reentered war mode. linking up with his de facto vassal and former adversary Napoleon to invade India.

This was not your typical Gandhi dogpile. Catapults had yet to arrive on the scene, and Gandhi was stronger than the two leaders combined. Vijayanagara's walls stood tall against whatever the Russo-French army was able to muster. Instead, Napoleon ended up in a dogpile, as FDR ended up choosing to invade France. This was a tad early from FDR, as he was a few turns from Construction. His attack ended up giving Gandhi the all-clear to counterattack and run over two French cities, leaving Paris as the one remaining French city.

As the American and Indian forces were encircling what was left of France, Ragnar was assembling a large army of Horse Archers, Elephants, and Catapults to prepare for his inevitable conquest. Vicky was a logical target, as her snowball had not quite kicked in yet and she was right on the Viking border. So naturally, Ragnar marched his forces across the Trans-Siberian Highway to invade Portugal. Now, Joao admittedly was an incredibly weak target, as for whatever reason, some aliens had kidnapped him, frozen him in carbonite, and delivered him as a gift to Jabba the Hutt. Or, perhaps, he was affected by the Crowdstrike outage. No matter the cause, Joao had remained stuck plotting a war he would never launch, leaving Portugal STILL WITH JUST FIVE CITIES. With that said, this was still a poor choice by Ragnar. If his Portuguese conquest succeeded, a big if, it would be slow, and much of his hard work would end up being for naught due to Indian culture. This was yet another war that every participant would lose while the Big Three of Gandhi, FDR, and Vicky continued to separate themselves from the rest of the field.

Although Gandhi's French conquest left Vijayanagara poorly defended, allowing Stalin to snipe the city, Stalin soon gave it back for peace, cruelly abandoning Napoleon to his fate. The Little Corporal valiantly put up a last stand at Paris, but in the end, FDR, who was unable to figure out a good Catapult ratio for his army, ended up softening Paris for GANDHI to net the kill. (A fun fact is that Gandhi amazingly had the most historical AI Survivor kills of all the non-Stalin participants). FDR had blown his advantage, leveraging it on a war that he netted zero cities from. In hindsight, Nappy was not the best target, as he was TOO weak, and thus too easy for even a pacifistic leader like Gandhi to snipe from America. Stalin or Vicky would have been better choices, particularly the latter, who had won the Southern tundra colonialism race and was pulling ahead of FDR economically.

It is hard to really blame Nappy for his First To Die elimination. It is exceedingly rare that a leader can come back from being invaded on Turn 52, and Nappy's fate was sealed the moment Stalin launched that surprise war. Before the invasion, Napoleon was actually playing well. He did not ignore culture like he usually did, and was setting up a nice base for him to potentially make some military headway. Unfortunately, Stalin's attack crippled him - although admittedly he gave a shoddy defensive effort - and this left him effectively donating his lands to India.

Ragnar's war started off successfully, with the Viking army pushing through the Portuguese city of Coimbra. There was one last hope for the warmongers. Stalin - someone needs to get him checked - was instantly in war plotting mode again, and if he piled on to Joao, the low peaceweights would have a fighting chance. They needed to conquer Portugal sooner rather than later, as Vicky, who had just built her Christian shrine worth 22 GPT and counting, was starting to snowball. Of course, the advisor who pushed Stalin to invade Portugal mysteriously disappeared, getting edited out of pictures with the Supreme Leader. Stalin had his sights set on America, and nobody was going to stop him.

The Russian forces were backwards and exhausted however, and soon, FDR was on the offensive. The American knights made their way to Rostov, and America was about to reestablish its position as a global power. However, Gandhi channeled his inner Indira Gandhi and dogpiled Stalin. I am really liking this new, balanced Gandhi. He immediately captured Orleans, giving the Indian leader his third Holy City. The patented Gandhi Culture victory was becoming an ever-increasing possibility. Unfortunately for FDR, Gandhi joining the war permanently relegated the American leader to third wheel status. Although America took some nice Russian prizes, including Moscow, Gandhi had acquired a big enough portion of the pie to keep FDR as the smallest cog in the global Big Three. The American empire had also acquired an odd shape, as American culture was not as strong as Indian and English culture. Nevertheless, Gandhi and FDR together trampled their way through the Russian heartland, with FDR capturing the last Soviet city.

Stalin must have had burner accounts in the Discord and the Civ Fanatic Forums, because he played like someone desperately trying to regain the public favor he once had from his past glories. Unfortunately, he has finally been exposed for who he really is: a below average warmonger. As it turns out, Stalin's opening research choices had been a failure. By going down a pure military route, he put himself in a position where his only path to relevancy was through conquest, and unfortunately, his conquests were ill-timed and poorly thought out. If Stalin had peacefully expanded and maybe launched an attack on a weak Joao or a not-quite-ready Vicky on Turn 70ish, he actually had a path to rehabilitating his reputation. Instead, his invasion of France ended up being a foolish move that handed this games' playoff ticket to Team Good. Stalin had gone utterly insane, and it seems unlikely that he will ever recapture his Season Three glory.

As Russia was divided between purple and blue, Ragnar was methodically taking over Portugal, which had one city remaining. This conquest was aided by a mysterious phenomenon, as several Twitch viewers had noticed empty Portuguese build queues! It seemed as if Joao was sinking his hammers into... thin air? This would make a curious case to study. For now, though, we can file it under the folder of epic AI Survivor fails, alongside Willem Syndrome and Boudica Personality Disorder.

For a moment, Ragnar was destined to solo-conquer Joao and establish a position for himself in this game. However, Joao had a savior: immediately after finishing off Stalin, FDR declared war on the Vikings. Soon, the lands of former Portugal had become red with the blood of American and Viking forces, as they each continually traded Portugal cities in a hilarious cat-chasing-its-own-tail game. This conflict was a sign that this game had officially gone off the rails, as countless numbers of poor Americans and Vikings marched to another hemisphere, giving up their lives in order to secure control over faraway lands that once belonged to an insignificant rump state. The following would happen:

1) Ragnar would move the bulk of his army towards the dark green borders of Portugal.
2) With the recent Viking conquests lightly defended, FDR would easily capture a city like Coimbra.
3) FDR would then move most of his army towards another city, say Guimaraes.
4) Ragnar, sensing the loss of his recent conquests, marched his forces back into American-controlled Coimbra, with his Berserkers slaughtering the little American garrison.
5) The armies would go around in circles, never meeting, but instead playing Ring Around The Rosie as they continued to walk into Portuguese cities. I feel so bad for the once Portuguese citizens.

Ultimately, America ended up winning the Battle of Portugal. At first, the Vikings had the upper hand, but the American mainland was closer to the action than the Viking mainland, allowing FDR to reinforce his stack much quicker than Ragnar. Also, while most of the Viking army was playing whack-a-mole in Coimbra and Guimaraes, FDR was also able to concentrate on an invasion of Vikingland proper. Thus, FDR was able to seize the initiative, doing a much better job at juggling both theaters of war, much like in real life. The decimated Viking forces were eventually forced to retreat from the West, and the entire Viking nation was collapsing. FDR was well on his way to conquering the Vikings, until the two suddenly signed a ceasefire. It seemed strange at the time, but FDR was having happiness issues due to war weariness and Emancipation. Anyways, FDR used this ceasefire to travel to London, kiss Queen Victoria's ring, and beg her to help kill Ragnar, as the next turn, they both made their way towards partitioning what was left of the Vikings. Ragnar had Muskets while Vicky had Tanks, and we all know what happened next, although it was FDR who ended up getting his second kill of the game.

It is quite telling that this was one of Ragnar's better performances, and there is no point beating a dead horse about Ragnar's hyper-aggressiveness. However, it feels like there is another factor that makes him even worse than typical crazies like Genghis and Monty: he plays Pangaea games as if he were in a Continents or Archipelago map. Perhaps this explains why Ragnar has such a penchant for cross-map wars - no matter the map, he craves being able to play like the Viking stalwart he is, launching raids on the other side of the globe. Here is a hot take: Ragnar would perform far better in a theoretical Continents or Archipelago AI Survivor series, although we will never test this for good reason. If it were not obvious before, it should now be apparent that Ragnar is a fish out of water in Sullla's AI Survivor.

As Ragnar met his fate, Vicky and Gandhi had pulled way ahead of the field, and at least one of them was assured a playoff spot. Vicky had the upper hand, as she had never fought, was Financial, had better land than Gandhi in quantity and quality, and the dominant religion. She was denying Gandhi the late-game Cultural wonders, greatly slowing down his cultural victory push. Gandhi was no slouch himself, but he was clearly looking up to Vicky, who was in complete control of this game. FDR's winning chances were much slimmer than these two. His failure to gain anything from his original French war had bitten him in the rear end, much of his land was culturally crushed by India and England, and his Viking campaign had mostly been a wasteful foray that left his people unhappy and his technology more behind. His borders formed quite the disorderly shape - the best Twitch comment I saw was that it looked like a fidget spinner. His best shot at the playoffs would be for one of Vicky or Gandhi - most likely Vicky - to roll over the other and knock them down to third place.

Team Good had decisively won this game, continuing the overall theme of this season being the revenge of the nerds. Gandhi had built the UN, and if someone could get FDR to Friendly, a Diplomatic Victory was a possibility. Otherwise, this game felt destined to be a next-turn clicker fest, as Gandhi and Vicky raced towards their respective victory conditions of Culture and Spaceship. Even though Gandhi had turned on the Culture slider his only real chance at winning was if Vicky were to somehow decide to go Culture, something that was not an outlandish possibility (see Kublai Khan blowing the Season Four Championship or Vicky herself blowing a certain Season Three Wildcard Victory in this manner).

However, the action was not quite over. Remember how FDR can plot at Pleased? Well, he was plotting. This felt like a suicidal move for him no matter who he attacked. He seemed to telegraph an attack on Vicky by signing a Defensive Pact with Gandhi - a horrible move considering Vicky had NUKES while Cavalry was still the backbone of the American army.

Except, FDR actually attacked Gandhi. He might as well have suicided into England, however, as Vicky took exception and made FDR the test subject of the Vicky Death Machine. The running theme of this game was revenge. First Stalin had sought revenge for the Napoleonic wars and invaded France, tanking his own game in the process much like Napoleon's invasion was the beginning of the end of his rule. Meanwhile, as retaliation for the American Revolution, Vicky ended up putting America in its place by siccing dozens of nukes at FDR. If Washington DC hadn't been burnt down enough during the War of 1812, it sure was a radioactive wasteland now. The nukes were flying, turning the once great and proud nation of America into a nuclear wasteland. No American city was safe from this onslaught, not DC, not Moscow, not even a former Viking Antarctic fishing village. The air was filled with screaming voices as Queen Victoria rained death and destruction upon her former friend and confidant. Thus ended the tragicomedy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

FDR played a good game, but unfortunately, his "good" games are the ones in which he plays second fiddle to a much stronger. In this case, he started strong, only to waste it due to poor strategic war planning and wasting too much time on a conflict far away from home, a noteworthy real life parallel regarding modern American history. He just does not have anything special about him - no strong unique unit, no strong AI Survivor trait, no innate teching ability, nothing. Unlike true Robins who can actually play the role of Scottie Pippen to a Michael Jordan, like Mehmed, Gilgamesh, and Mao, FDR just tags along, content to forever be a bridesmaid and never a bride. This came back to haunt FDR when the bride turned into a Bridezilla, as is what happened in this game. God save Vicky's nukes, for they spared us from cluttering the Wildcard game with another blah leader.

Vicky's victory was all but assured, as Gandhi would be nowhere close to a Cultural victory by the time her spaceship launched. However, a Spaceship victory was not a sealed deal yet. Vicky's hysterical nuclear outburst had earned her the ire of the rest of the world, and Gandhi was not at all grateful for Vicky's help considering both the fallout that contaminated his lands and the nuclear destruction of his friend, even though that "friend" had backstabbed him. The Indian leader attempted to launch a war of retribution, except, Infantry do not commit much retribution against Gunships and Modern Armor. Vicky was one city ring's worth of tiles away from a Domination victory, and surely, she would capture that city before her Spaceship landed. Right?

Not so fast. Of course, Vicky did fly into a rage, blasting India with the full weight of the English Nuclear Arsenal. But, her nuking ended up slowing her ability to actually capture cities. The cities she did capture gave her very little land, as the Indian culture held strong against the English Death machine. Moreover, Gandhi captured cities of his own - he is a far better fighter than we give him credit for. Thus, for picking contest purposes, the game ended in a Turn 321 Spaceship victory, with the English burning down the entire house before leaving for a better one. Upon clicking "But One More Turn!", it was shown that it would have likely taken a few more turns for Vicky to get those last tenths of a percentage point she needed to get over the Domination limit.

Once again, the most deserving leaders make the Playoffs. My respect for Gandhi skyrocketed in this game. Gandhi had always had a reputation as a boom or bust leader, but his recent performances have shown that he can survive and even thrive in suboptimal conditions. In this game, Gandhi had mediocre at best land and two mortal enemies in his face, and yet, he leveraged that to a Runner Up spot despite those enemies throwing him a 2v1, which he overwhelmingly won. Gandhi's biggest misstep was in failing to spread his religion, and that extra Holy City gold could have made a difference in this game. His horrible 2nd city did him no favors in that aspect, especially when compared to Vicky's Holy City which was centrally located in a rich river network. Also, luck admittedly played a major role in his game, as the previously mentioned 2v1 came from weak leaders. If Joao was ever ready to attack, Gandhi could have faced a 3v1. It is also tough to believe that Gandhi could survive in a game with a stronger Napoleon or a more composed Stalin. Nevertheless, Gandhi pulled off a gutsy game, and although his playoff field is looking tough, this is one of his better shots at a title.

If you want to talk about a true boom-or-bust leader, look no further than Vicky, who has officially shown that she is capable of dominating performances. In this game, Vicky played like a Financial Justinian, leveraging her Imperialistic trait to expand well and establishing Christianity as the only dominant religion in this game. It definitely remains to be seen if this is something Vicky can keep up, however. She was exceedingly lucky to have NEVER been attacked in this game until an irrelevant post Turn 300 Gandhi war, despite bordering Ragnar and having severe border tensions with FDR. She is also lucky that Stalin ice-picked Napoleon out of this game, preventing any strong Evil Coalition from forming. I highly doubt that this pattern will repeat itself in what is going to be a highly anticipated Alternate Histories.

I felt like I forgot something. What could it have been...

Oh, yes! Congratulations, Joao! You survived! In case a reader may have forgotten, Joao ended up making the Wildcard Game with a cute little nation of two cities - during the Viking war, he FINALLY rediscovered the wonders of the Settler! This was one of the most embarrassing performances by a surviving leader ever. Joao settled a total of SIX cities, an absolutely unacceptable number no matter how one spins it. He had so much room due to Stalin's antics, and yet, he never expanded and instead built a military force that he never used. Some were expressing concerns in the Twitch chat that Joao was bugged, but in my opinion, the best explanation is the simplest one: Joao is just a subpar leader. All aspects of his personality are too middle-of-the-road, causing him to lack an identity. This was on full display in this game, where Joao was unable to decide if he wanted to be a warmonger or a builder, causing him to "glitch" out. It looks like he is destined to be cannon fodder for the Alexes and Cathys of the Wildcard Game.

Kjotleik might be running away with the tournament. His 15 Gold bid on Gandhi might have been the greatest steal of the draft since Tom Brady fell to the Patriots in 2000. The other winner was Eauxps, as Vicky's performance had brought him back into the thick of it. He really needed that after Saladin's heartbreaking elimination. The only player who is truly irrelevant is Henrik, whose bids have ranged from "unlucky" to "disaster".